Sunday, November 8, 2009

Viruses and Thinking: Distractions of my Life

I told Andrew I would post on the blog a couple of days ago, but I never got to it. When I got on the computer that night, I discovered my computer got infected by some trojan horse which sucked up 70% of my CPU usage making it near impossible to get anywhere on my computer. This was a blessing in disguise.

I proceeded to work on the laptop for the next day trying to keep it a secret from my dad because lately I have been getting the reputation as the "Destroyer of Laptops" because of my Rose-Hulman laptop. I swear the school has a self destruct button on that sucker because the thing stopped working after I quit the school. Anyhow, I used my knowledge of computers I learned over the past half a year, and I was able to fix my computer. I manually discovered and destroyed all of the trojan viruses and worms I knew about without the aid of an anti-virus program.

Cleaning up the computer was exciting. It reminded me of a lab experiment, but the results were immediate and conclusive: either the computer worked or it functioned so poorly it could barely be considered a computer. I was a super noob six months ago, but now, I understand the basics of a computer's layout. I may still be a noob, maybe even a super noob but those basics I learned helped me fix my laptop.

As for personal life, I have been busy making some big decisions. I'm reapplying for a transfer. I really don't know where I am going right now. Everything seemed so clean cut last year, but now, I'm questioning my motives. It's a very introspective time for me. I've taken to writing in my journal again to get out how I'm feeling. I hope to map out my feelings and decide on what school I will be attending by next May. I consider this time in my life to be my middle life crisis. I'm figuring out who I am. It's a frustrating time, like I'm trying to learn how to walk all over again, but I know I'll be a better man for it. I'm not so sure you can figure yourself out in college. There's just not enough time. I'll go into detail about one of my worries in a later blog post. I hope all of you are well, and I apologize for not writing earlier.

In the future, you can look forward to my looking back on some emo sophomore journal entries I found, my worries about college, and some thoughts I've been putzing around.