Sunday, March 29, 2009

Late night ramblings.

I'm looking through my wardrobe now, deciding what to bring to school and I've realized a few things.

1) I am such a girl in terms of fashion. I can't believe I'm like...rotating clothes.

2) One of the main reasons I'm looking forward to the FACES conference in a few weeks is because it gives me an excuse to dress up for a week straight. Suits/sports coats/dress shirts/etc. Once again, reaffirming number 1.

3) I've made quite a few questionable buys. Random stuff that I'll never wear...what was I thinking? sigh*

4) I hope 5 years from now, I won't be blogging about number 3 again. Heck, in 5 years, I also hope I won't be a little loser and be blogging at 1:18 am. :)

Spring break has been .... interesting. Not too many people were home, and while it certainly was great to catch up with people like Alex and Stephanie (before she went back early to STUDY--if med schools are reading this to find out what kind of applicant she is: look how studious she is!!!! *cough nerd*), I also sadly came to the conclusion that there's not too much left for me back "home." Even though I don't find myself fitting into Stanford too much and definitely don't love it, it's still where most of my life is currently. I remember coming home last year, full of excitement, eager to reconnect to things of the past. But this time, I've spent some quality time with family and the aforementioned friends, but other than that have just kind of bummed around home. Oh, I also stimulated the economy rather significantly. Ya'll can thank me later. And that's not a good thing. TV/internet can get kind of boring, and I'm far from an avid reader or hobby-finder/doer. Instead I mope around home, feeling sorry for myself, namely because I realized I'm not particularly happy either at school or at home. Yet there are a billion things to be grateful for, and on the bright side, I think I've begrudgingly gained a new appreciation for school and the opportunities there.

Oh, and a new hypothesis! Most of you probably know how much I detest children. For example, I was dragged into Babies R' Us to shop for a gift for some baby shower my parents are going to. I was immediately greeted by a little twerp crying...I wanted to run away immediately. Ok I lie. I wanted to chuck the brat outside. :P But I digress. One possibility for this aversion to children may be because I'm actually a kid at heart.
Exhibit A: HIGH SCHOOL MUSCIAL!!!! ::jumps with glee:: (other disney is cool too...I'm listening to Hercules music right now)
Exhibit B: SNOOPY. you do anything to my snoopy and I'll get fangry. (effing angry). My room is also decorated with snoopy drawings (thanks Jeanette!), a snoopy poster, and random other little snoopy collectibles, like a tissue box cover and piggy bank.
Exhibit C: I'm fussy. hahaha. Though compared to another member of my family who shall not be named (his name starts with J and rhymes with lustin), my disposition is like that of an angel.

Anyway, it may be the case that I simply hate children because I long for my childhood days but also get annoyed at them because I feel like I have similar interests to them--but they lack the tact, maturity, and intelligence that has come to define my greatness (ahem.). They also get a lot of attnetion, and undeservedly so. So little Jonny knows how to eat with a fork. Cry me a river. Oops, I am beginning another tirade on why kids suck. I might leave that for another post. So it's just a hypothesis at this point--rather unpolished and full of holes, but I'll update you on any breakthrough developments on this!

And I now realize that this blog post has hitherto delineated my meterosexuality and my love for HSM/Disney/Snoopy. Do I find it a tiny bit necessary to clarify that I like women? Perhaps. Though it's also quite true that that is not always the case. As my good friend Bryant and I joke, "Women! Can't live with them. Can't shoot them." hahaha jk.


Red Hat said...

Well, at least little Jonny can eat with chopsticks unlike somebody that I know.

Red Hat said...

Sorry, I forgot it's Stephanie who can't use chopsticks. Suck it up you Hamlet!