Sunday, September 13, 2009

13 initial thoughts re: China

1. Bugs like me
2. Chinese people don't know how to wait in line
3. The Great Wall is freaking amazing
4. Bill Clinton sure had a good time in China
5. My tour book said 70% of men in China smoke. I'm still looking for the other 30%.
6. I saw blue sky/clouds 3 times! That's 3 more times than my last trip to China
7. $2 meals? $1.50 haircut? Cheap cab rides? So fantastic! Then again, I am used to American-type salary numbers. Scary to think of the USD equivalent of their salaries.
8. I like suburbia more than I thought. Big metropolitan is exciting, but I don't think I could settle down long-term in a huge city.
9. Students in China have such a different lifestyle than Stanford students.
10. China is sooo big with sooooooo many people. I think many of her issues stem from the sheer size.
11. You go from the newest, state-of-the-art buildings to the oldest, most historic of buildings with crummy little ones in between--all in the matter of a few miles.
12. Censored internet sucks
13. Chinese food = yummmm. I especially approve of their not-too-sweet desserts.

1 comment:

Jess said...

=) so very clever! 13 thoughts on the 13th for your 13 (?) days in China