After I opened the package from her and discovered the marshmallow morsels, I didn't know what to do. Should I save the package as a triumph of perseverance, or should I eat them? It didn't take me long to decide. I took those delicious bunny shaped marshmallows, and proceeded to devour every last one of them.
They still had the amazing taste of chocolate and marshmallow being blended as one: the near-perfect s'more. Now, Just Born, the company who manufacturers the Peep, needs to figure out how to add graham cracker goodness taste to it.
I experimented with ways of eating them to maximize their taste. I would rip off the confectionary eyes, so it would be one less obstacle between man and marshmallow. Then, I tried several approaches to dividing up the marshmallow. I tried cannibalizing ears, head, and body. I tried splitting it evenly down the middle. Then, I found the correct technique. The true method of getting the most taste was biting off the ears, and stuffing head and body into my mouth. I let the marshmallow slowly dissolve in my mouth giving me complete satisfaction. My craving was finally appeased.
It's weird to think that I haven't eaten this type of Peep in so many years. The last time was senior year of high school. Having the opportunity to eat this treat which I associate with a Goo Goo Dolls concert and hanging out with Jessica, reminded me of simpler times. I will continue to look for the Chocolate Mousse Peep in Southern California, but my craving has been sated. At least for now.
Author's Note: I decided it was time to remodel the blog again, so I hope you like it. Some new features I added were links to your personal blogs and a fish bowl. The personal blog links can be found underneath our names. You can remove the links if you want to, but I figured if you were shamelessly advertising on our blog, we might as well make it official. The fishes at the top follow the cursor if you place it within the designated area. If you click, you can feed them too. I thought it added a nice natural touch to the site. The last thing I would like is removing the second Stephanie user on our site. It's a peeve of mine knowing it's the same user, but she has two different accounts to the site. Go MIT for making this more complicated than it needs to be! I'm not hating, just lovingly berating. Thanks to Andrew or Stephanie on whoever fixes it.
yum!!! I shamelessly added the blog to my startup too. hah. Alex, your turn!
Also, I know how to remove Steph's second name. However, once I do that, it also removes any posts she made under that user name. I'm not sure if she ever used the @mit email address to publish any posts, so I hesitate to remove just yet.
It's fine. Leave both accounts up. It will serve as a reminder of Stephanie's technological incompetence. FOREVER!
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