Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Bucket List

Never too young to come up with a bucket list! Especially when you have time on your hands...
I'll add to this list as I think of more. Then again, with this track record of our blog, who knows when I'll get to it again.

1. Get courtside seats to a Lakers game.
2. Skydiving (I know, I know, so trite.)
3. Eat at >50% of Michelin Star rated restaurants in the U.S.
4. Donate a substantial amount to a charity I love
5. Be a mentor to someone. And not just in the professional development sense.
6. Visit every continent. Yes, including Antarctica.
7. Get on national TV...(this might be combined with #1. Even a camera pan-by is fine)
8. Get either really good at Spanish or Chinese, or learn another language from scratch
9. Laugh so hard I cry.

...to be continued?


Cookie Kao said...

2. is easily do-able - go over Monterey, the views are gorgeous. Also, don't die.

3. You're going to be out a lot of money! :-P

8. I remember your Spanish...go with Chinese ;)

Anonymous said...

Các bạn có thể tìm hiểu các thông tin liên quan đến bảng giá sàn gỗ công nghiệp từ người thân, bạn bè những người đã từng sử dụng họ sẽ cho bạn lời khuyên hữu ích nhất bởi chính họ mới biết được sản phẩm họ đang sử dụng ở nhà mình hiện tại có tốt hay không.