Wednesday, September 10, 2008

From the Heart

So admittedly, I rarely make decisions based on what my heart. Usually, I defer to whatever logic I can muster up  in my head, and thus conclude that whatever decision must be the "smart decision."  And it generally works just fine. But today I realized that I once again was faced with choosing to follow my heart or my head.  Let me backtrack.

Last summer, I bought a sweet PC for college, an awesome 17 inch widescreen HP with lots of fancy dancy features and nice specs. Unfortunately, I was left with between 2/3rds and 4/5ths of a laptop after the car accident, depending on how you count (keyboard works but is cracked, cd drive is smashed, webcam works, monitor is broken, usb drives are fine, processor/hard-drive/internal parts are all in-tact.) I've been using a hand-me-down thinkpad ever since, and while thinkpads are awesome, this one is so old it lags when I type.  But happy with that computer, and completely reliant on the amazingly cool red knob/blob/circle/mouse tracker that the Thinkpad has perfected, I decided to get a newer thinkpad as my computer.  (btw, knob thingy is so great. i can't emphasize that enough. so easy to use, so precise, and you don't have to move your hand away from the keyboard! Better than a real mouse, imho)

Alas, Lenovo decides to make things hard for me and refuses to ship my computer, citing a myriad of bs reasons and complicated lingo that made no sense. e.g. "there was a hold up in manufacturing so it got send up to the higher team to investigate and work on it. unfortunately we can't communicate with that team so we don't know how long it will take"  That was the crap I heard for 2 weeks, until I finally cancelled the order today b/c i'm heading up to school soon and the dude in charge of cancellations finally told me that it was b/c they are phasing out the T61 (what I ordered), and have a shortage of parts that they might not even be making anymore.  Great. Thanks for telling me now. 

That brings us back to Frantic Laptop Search part II (part I was not so frantic and was resolved by deciding on the Lenovo), and I was essentially left between choosing a nice, semi-decked out Toshiba and a MacBook.  

Pros of Toshiba:
RAM (an astounding 4 GB), hard-drive, screen size, familiarity of Windows/PC, PRICE

Pros of Mac:
processor, doesn't use Vista

On paper, it looked like an easy decision, yet for some reason, something was pulling me toward a Mac.  I'm not really sure what it is, but hopefully, it didn't have to do with the pretty fancy-dancy features that has gotten so many other people to sell their souls to Steve Jobs.  Ugh, I really hope that's not what it was.  In any case, it was another epic battle of heart vs. head, and or course, I pull a major Hamlet by being indecisive to the umpteenth degree. (stanford or yale, anyone?)  
In the end though, I decided that it was about time to let my heart win a battle, and I'm sitting here typing on a Mac.  

My first "I-miss-windows" moment came when I realized that you can't maximize a screen on macs.  How dumb.  I'm also utterly baffled by these apps, finders, dashboards, dock, exposes, spaces, etc.  And i miss all the "control+" shorcuts. Now it's an awkwardly positioned "command."  I'm not complaining! I'll save that for a post next week, when I hopefully will get used to most of these functions and be left complaining about a select few.

Ok I just realized  how boring of a post that was, devoid of all my usual charm and wit.  Ah, even the best fall down sometimes, right?  Oh dear, and now I'm quoting Howie Day.  That's a clear sign that this post needs to end.

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