Friday, September 5, 2008

How to 'Nair' a Mouse....

So I know I posted about two days ago, but this is interesting enough that I better just write about it now before I forget.

So it's my first day in lab. And it turns out we get to 'nair' mice. First off, I never heard of nair before that day (In case any of you are curious, nair is some hair removal lotion. Like you literally rub it on, and it causes your hair to fall off.) And no one nairs mice. It's a human product. But we had to image these mice, and they had fur on their bellies. So unluckily for us, we had to nair mice. First day of lab. How exciting. But it did go well, considering that no one had ever done this before, and the images looked alright. Felt nasty though.

1 comment:

Andrew said...

wow that's kind of gross Daniel. I'll never be able to look at Mickey the same.