Monday, September 22, 2008

Yay for first day of class

Alas, classes start at last. First class is at a stunning 9:30 am, which is the earliest class I've had at Stanford yet.

Currently, I'm sitting in an Urban Studies class, and it seems pretty easy. Three 2-page papers, one 2-page public policy report, and a final 5-7 page paper in lieu of a final. Sweet. I get 4 units and a GER out of the way too! Quite the relief after sitting through a Probabilistic Analysis class where the prof reminded us like 48942 times that it would be a very very intense class, citing how it is a rare 5-unit Engineering class. (They're usually 3 units allowing you to take more in a quarter but actually have more work than a 5 unit fuzzy class).

More to come later. I should pay attention to the first lecture. Maybe.

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